IN AMERICA, the educational television program that is hosted by esteemed actor James Earl Jones, will feature a segment on an upcoming episode devoted entirely to both the history and the current state of Native American artwork. The goal of the segment is to educate viewers about all aspects of Native American artwork, including some of the prominent voices in that particular medium that are operating in the United States today.
Many people don't realize that Native American art is actually one of the oldest forms of artistic expression in the United States, dating back hundreds or even thousands of years. Many forms of Native American artwork began as the expression of a particular symbol or idea, as was the case with the bear, eagle and even certain members of a particular tribe.
One of the most fascinating aspects of Native American artwork involves the huge number of different materials used in its creation. Artwork can be constructed from everything including cloth, clay, traditional fabric, feathers and even rocks in certain historical cases.
IN AMERICA is an independent television production and is currently distributed in most broadcast areas in the United States by Public Television Stations. IN AMERICA is not, however, a production of PBS or APT and is not affiliated with those organizations in any way. To find out additional information about this and all upcoming segments of IN AMERICA, please visit today.