Jump, the internationally-renowned live-action martial arts comedy created by Yegam, Inc. Productions, currently playing at Off-Broadway's New World Stages (340 West 50th Street) will play its final performance Sunday, June 12th at 7PM after 39 preview performances.
Due to an unprecedented number of shows playing on and off-Broadway this season, Jump was not able to establish a strong enough presence to drive substantial ticket sales. Jump will focus on its international productions and continue to delight audiences around the world. Currently, there are productions running in Seoul, Jeju Island and there is an international tour scheduled for 2011-12 which will travel to Singapore, Japan and Columbia.Presented by Show & Arts USA, LLC. and seen by over 3 million people worldwide, this gravity-defying, internationally acclaimed show combines comedy, martial arts, acrobatics and butt-kicking, live-action shenanigans. It's the story of one, very unusual family and all the mishaps and misadventures that ensue.ABOUT JUMP
Originally conceived in 1999, Jump (originally titled Crazy Family) premiered at The National Theatre in Seoul in August 2002. Over two years, the show continued to develop through six different scripts and acrobatics training under the guidance of a Women's National Gymnastics team coach. In April 2003, the show was renamed Jump and performed at various theatres throughout Korea. The show continues to play at the Jump Theatre in Seoul, where it opened in September 2006, and in Busan, where it opened in May 2008.Since 2005, the show has toured internationally to festivals and venues including the Israel Festival and Edinburgh Festival Fringe (sold-out performances in 2005 and 2006) and in various countries including England (Peacock Theatre), Spain, Greece, Russia, South Africa, Bahrain, India, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, Bangkok, Malaysia, Laos and more. In 2007 - 2008, Jump played an exclusive one-year run at New York's Union Square Theatre. Recently, Jump toured 13 cities in China, Netherlands, Turkey, Australia, Jeju Island in Korea and more. The recipient of numerous international prizes, Jump won the 2006 ‘Comedy Award' at Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the ‘Grand Prize for Drama and Musical' from the Korean National Assembly, and was featured in ‘The Royal Variety Performance' shown on BBC TV in December 2006. In 2007, the Korean International Trade Association gave a special citation to Jump for its outstanding international, commercial performance. In 2008, the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism award Jump the prize as ‘The Best Performing Arts of Korea.'