"Marcus Nance and Friends" is an elegant evening of jazz, cabaret, theatre and opera of the finest kind. As a fan of both the classy era of Johnny Hartman and Sarah Vaughan and the impressive showmanship of the opera and theatre worlds, Marcus Nance celebrates these traditions together in this regular series of cabarets featuring New York's finest singers and musicians.
Marcus Nance's guests will include Roosevelt Andre Credit from The Gershwin's Porgy and Bess, Miss Fresno County Valerie Salcedo, Canadian Idol winner Melissa O'Neil, and Katrina Reynolds and Julius Sermonia from Broadway's Jesus Christ Superstar. Also featured will be pianists Rick Fox and Doug Martin and bassist Jonas Tauber.Marcus Nance has captivated audiences across Canada and the United States with his magnetic stage presence and lustrous bass-baritone voice. He is equally at home in theatre, opera, concert, and cabaret while setting the highest standards in each, vocally and theatrically.