The Times Square Group, Inc., a not-for-profit organization that provides arts education/training in NYC public and private schools, will continues its monthly "Generation 2 Generation" soiree series with a panel entitled What Makes A Critic Tick?, which will be held on Monday, February 27th from 6:30 to 8:30 PM.
The evening, which will take place at the Professional Children's School's Peter Glenville Theater (132 West 60 Street, Lincoln Center), will feature Charles Isherwood of
The New York Times, Adam Feldman of
Time Out New York and
Michael Feingold of
The Village Voice. Author and theatre critic David A. Kaufman will serve as moderator, and a Q&A will follow the discussion.
The "Generation 2 Generation" series features authors and celebrities talking about their life's work sharing their experiences by interacting with the public, TSG members and TSG students and alumni.
Tickets are $35.00 per person per soiree, $25.00 per person for TSG members. There is no charge for TSG students. Refreshments will be provided. Reservations are required and credit cards will be accepted. Call The Times Square Group at (212) 391-4602 or visit for more information.