"Doing Something, Doing More" ... Get Out and Do In Style? is a fun and fashionable Fall tie-in benefit event. Our friend and client, Isaiah Williams of the NFL's Arizona Cardinals, will be doing something quite eclectic for World Food Day -- hosting a related fundraiser and food drive benefiting World Food Day (www.worldfooddayusa.org), The Food Bank for New York City (www.foodbanknyc.org), One Billion Hungry (www.1billionhungry.org), and Dr. Oz's HealthCorps organization (www.HealthCorps.org).
There will be a special host; collection bins for canned goods; music; a mini-fashion presentation featuring Chelc NYC (www.chelcnyc.com), eco-friendly accessories designed by Michelle Charak; spoken word; reading selection; Tonnie's Minis (www.tonniesminis.com) and treats; plus cash bar. The event will feature special announcements, including the formation of The Isaiah Williams Foundation. Isaiah will also acknowledge a few of his favorite charitable organizations.While most NFL players might spend their break "bye" time on vacation, Isaiah Williams will spend Saturday, October 16, 2010 -- World Food Day -- in New York City helping the United Nations to increase awareness, understanding and efforts to alleviate hunger around the globe. World Food Day is a great day for people to take a moment to become more aware and knowledgeable about the well-being and challenges of others, particularly those who are in need of food and shelter, and even those needing organ transplantation, like Isaiah's manager, Chuck Garrett, and a host of others who await a kidney donor transplant. On the field and off, Isaiah Williams helps to embrace, empower, enhance and enlighten the lives of others. In attendance for the October 16th event will be an array of family, friends, colleagues, contacts, professionals, media, entertainers, athletes, plus a number representatives from not-for-profit organizations.When recently asked about his continuing favorites and hopeful wishes, Isaiah Williams had a rather interesting list that included: Target and Target's Community Arts, Culture and Education projects; Let's Move!; Boys & Girls Clubs of America; Habitat for Humanity; USO; World Food Day; Food Bank for New York City; Feeding America; Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation; and God's Love We Deliver. DKMS (www.dkmsamericas.org), plus Dr. Mehmet Oz (aka Dr. Oz) and his HealthCorps organization (www.HealthCorps.org) have already welcomed association with Isaiah Williams.
Isaiah Williams is also among celebrities and athletes who continue to help raise awareness about the critical need to join the national registry of bone marrow donors, known as Be The Match. Isaiah Williams personally understands the timely concerns for life-saving and life-sustaining transplantation. He recently helped spread awareness efforts for a young Broadway star, Shannon Tavarez, who was diagnosed with a life-threatening form of leukemia. http://www.blackgivesback.com/2010/07/celebrities-hbcus-and-congressional.html Learn more about Shannon Tavarez at http://www.firstgiving.com/shannontavarez.As Isaiah Williams often says to others ... "That too can be you! Somebody, somewhere is going through something. We all can help to get and to keep others more functional, and not necessarily just by sparing and sharing a penny or plenty of support and resources." Isaiah Williams strongly believes that life awareness and extended education can help to enhance and to empower the lives of others. Isaiah Williams plans to further involve his life-work with his role in the NFL.
Isaiah Williams is available for off-season guest appearances, film, stage, television and media opportunities, project collaborations, event hosting, private affairs, speaking engagements, press interviews, community affairs outreach, ribbon cuttings, grand openings, corporate benefits, seminars, exhibitions, product placement and brand marketing alliances. Please consider Isaiah Williams for your purposeful projects and development plans.Videos