The country-punk-noise performance collective Irrevery presents "The Living Mixtape: A Bizarre Bazaar," Sunday, March 26th, 7 PM, at The Silent Barn, Brooklyn.
"The Living Mixtape" is a collaborative performance in multiple media: a book release, a flash-poetry workshop and readings, an art bazaar, plus a concert featuring improvised dance and music by Marilu Donovan, Relatives, NoPop, and IrreveryThese media converge to promote the release of the book, Irrevery Volume I, the collective effort of twelve artists, each of whom illustrated the lyrics of songs from the upcoming debut album of the same title by Irrevery. Pieces from the book and other works by these artists will be on display and for sale throughout in the Bazaar.
The evening begins with "Verse First," a flash-poetry workshop that calls on the audience to create their own flash-verses using William Burroughs' cut-up technique with words from Irrevery lyrics.
This will be followed by four musical acts (a soloist, duo, and trio) culminating in a performance by Irrevery (a quartet). The acts will be interspersed with select readings from the audience-curated verses of Verse First accompanied by improvised dance by Sharlene Chadrac, Cookie Tongue, and Loud Relations.Videos