A benefit for The Jane Elissa/Charlotte Meyers Endowment Fund for Leukemia/Lymphoma Research and Other Charitable Causes.Celebrating The JE Extravaganza Celebrity Team Completion of the "Light the Night" Walk for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and The USA/United Kingdom Launch of S1- Safety Frist - a Full Line of Premium Transparent BagsThere will be Wine,Cheese, Hors d'oeuvers and more.The date is Monday, Oct. 24, 2005 at the Marriott Marquis Hotel Cocktail Reception at 6:30 PM - Program at 8:00Master of Ceremonies: Walt Willey(Jackson Montgomery on All My Children) Guest Appearcne by: Mr Joe Franklin Event Chairperson: Michael James Madeo, Marathon BankDaytime Celebrites scheduled to appear: Terri Ivens (Simone, All My Children) Leven Rambin (Lily, All My Children) Kristin Alderson (Starr, One Life to Live) John Paul Lavoisier (Rex, One Life to Live)Broadway performers scheduled to appear and/or perform are: Rob Evan (Jekyll & Hyde, Little Shop of Horrors) Ron Bohmer (The Scarlet Pimpernel, Forbidden Bdwy SVU) Michael Lanning (The Civil War) Jodi Stevens(Jekyll & Hyde) and more
There will also be fashions modeled by the stars, art exhibits, a mini-boutique featuring works by Jane Elissa and others and a silent auction which will include celebrity and sports memorabilia.Tickets are: Benefactor - $500.00 Donor - $250.00 VIP Ticket - $150.00 General Admission - $110.00To pay by credit card or for more information please call Jane Elissa at (212) 245-7070 or call Michael Madeo at (212) 989-3700. You can also mail your check to: The Jane Elissa Endowment 500 W. 43rd Street - Suite 10F New York, NY 10036Please make your check out to The Jane Elissa Endowment.