Al Dente Productions will present a salon industry reading of the new romantic comedy Alfo Learns to Love by Vincent Amelio. Directed by Dennis Grimaldi, the cast will feature Warren Bub, Peter Evangelista, Armen Garo and Bridget Winder. The reading will be held on Monday, June 24 at 7:00 p.m. at The Players Club (16 Gramercy Park South). For reservations and more information, please email
At age 15, Alfo had one magical kiss that sparked love. Since then, no woman can compare. At 35, Alfo is lost in a world of first dates. When Grandpa returns as a ghost, can he teach Alfo the meaning of love? Or will Alfo never learn and prevent Grandpa from seeing the pearly gates? In Alfo Learns to Love we enjoy love, laughter, and a little, sweet Italian cannoli.
The play was first produced in 2010 as part of the International Fringe Festival under the slightly longer title How Alfo Learned to Love Women. In 2015, the play was revised and mounted at 59E59 Theatre's under the title How Alfo Learned to Love, where it received critical praise.