The Bijou Theatre and It's All Fun and Games presents Improv Comedy Night @ The Bijou. The troupe is ready to get you laughing your way into spring on May 29th at 8pm. Tickets are $20 for theatre seats and $25 for table seating. Special theatre seat pricing for students at $10.
It's All Fun and Games features the improv of Ron Hill, Anthony Reimer, Chris Booth, Rebecca Vigil, Nick Carillo, Josh Hurley, Langston Belton, Devin Heater, and Jack Carter. Many have trained at NYC's Gotham City Improv (formally Groundings East) which gave us such comedic greats as Will Farrell, Lisa Kudrow, Melissa McCarthy, Phil Hartman, Kristen Wiig and many more. Check out their website for more details on the performers and upcoming shows & classes -