Marking the launch of the Five Boro Story Project, producer Bridget Bartolini,author/performer Michele Carlo, and filmmaker Heather Quinlan have come together to present "I'm Tawkin' Here: Storytelling with a New Yawk Accent," a citywide celebration of New York storytellers and musicians.
On five consecutive Wednesdays, from April 10th through May 8th, one event will be held in each borough. The series features the return of Michele Carlo's storytelling series "It Came From New York,"along with excerpts from "If These Knishes Could Talk," the definitive documentary on the New York accent by Heather Quinlan.
Featuring musical odes to the borough, true stories from three borough-natives and one "token" non-native storyteller, and an excerpt from Knishes, each night will celebrate the unique character of a different borough.
"I'm Tawkin' Here" brings New Yorkers together with stories that celebrate the neighborhoods, history and culture of the five boroughs, sharing insight into what it's like to actually grow up in the place everyone moves to. Channeling the powers of storytelling and film, the events enlighten, entertain and prove that instead of being mere modes of escape, our bridges and tunnels are in fact, connectors of culture.
The event takes place on Wednesday, May 1st at the Bronx Music Heritage Center Laboratory located at 1303 Louis Nine Blvd at 7:30pm. Take the #2 or #5 subway to Freeman Street, Bronx, NY. Admission free, donations welcome. For more information, go to