Remember as a kid that hula-hoop that everyone tried to swing around their waist as many times as possible? Well, it is back, but this time for a therapeutic advantage. Hoop Alchemy For Performance is an amazing new means of helping actors; dancers and other performers overcome any obstacles in the pursuit of perfecting their craft.
Founded by former professional stand up comedian and actress turned healer, Georgia Jean, Hoop Alchemy for Performance channels vital primal emotional energy, held in the body. Most performers struggle to access this energy effectively thereby creating limitation and blockage in their creative work, careers, bodies and lives. Three years ago, Georgia found that the hula-hoop was the tool that could unlock this energy from the "body/mind" and harness it into movement, performance, physical energy and health. Performers will deepen their ability to make an emotional connection to themselves and their art, the stuff of compelling performance and presence.
Hoop Alchemy for Performance is starting a 10-week program beginning October 11, 2014 through December 13, 2014. There are 2 free introductory workshops Tuesday, September 16 and Saturday September 20 at Pearl Studios NYC, 500 8th Ave., 12th floor, NYC. The program will culminate in a final showcase created by the group.
Circle Evolution Hoop Alchemy ( was founded by Georgia Jean who is renowned for her deep knowledge base, revolutionary techniques, and special energetic abilities.