"Workshop on the Art of Calligraphy from Ottoman to Modern Times"Presented by: Prof. Hakan Karateke , Associate Professor of Ottoman & Turkish Culture, Language, and Literature, NELC and the Director of Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Chicago
The Ottoman calligraphers were a proud group of artists who created their own styles of art. Professor Karateke will introduce the audience to the basics of the art of calligraphy. The lecture will include details on the materials used for this art, give information on some of the various styles used by the Ottomans, and will also allow the participants to experience writing with a reed pen. Free presentation________________________________________________
The Conscious Business Network Presents
Business & Intuition:
The New Bedfellows of Success
BUSINESS & INTUITION: The New Bedfellows of Success
Leading edge firms and highly successful leaders are talking about the value of intuition at work. Learn more about what's new and what you can do to align with your personal purpose with your business. Dr. Rowley will also offer some spontaneous intuitive Readings!
For reservations or more information please click here
THURSDAY * MARCH 26 * 6:00 to 8:30 pm