ROB SHEFFIELD has been a columnist for Rolling Stone since 1997. He is the author of the national bestsellers, Love Is a Mixtape, Talking to Girls About Duran Duran, and most recently, Turn Around Bright Eyes. He also appears regularly on VH1.
SHARON SPELL is a southern-born fashion plate with an art degree who hosts The Big Shrink at the UCB Theatre East and has been seen in videos by UCBComedy, The Onion, and on The Bio Channel (portraying Vince Neil's Aunt Nelly). Her art has been seen in Paper mag and behind the scenes in Barney's store windows.
RACHEL SHERMAN's short stories have appeared in McSweeney's, Open City and n+1, among others. Her first book, The First Hurt, was short-listed for the Story Prize and the Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award. Her first novel, Living Room, was released in 2009 to wide critical acclaim. She blogs for the Parenting Section of the Huffington Post.
ISAAC BUTLER is a writer, performer and occasional director. Most recently, he performed with The Soundtrack Series at Le Poisson Rouge and The Liar Show at Cornelia Street Cafe. His work has appeared in lots of places, including NarrativelyNYand Columbia: A Journal of Music and Art and American Theatre.
THE HOW I LEARNED SERIES is a lovingly curated live show featuring writers, storytellers, comedians and other raconteurs. Featured in Time Out New York, The L Magazine, The Rumpus, The New York Times and more, HOW I LEARNED happensevery month, and sometimes more than that, which basically means you'll have the best night of your life on those nights, repeatedly. HOW I LEARNED's side project, BEST IN SHOW, is an open story slam that takes place every other month with seasoned storyteller-judges offering warm, constructive, booze-fueled feedback. This is all pretty much the best thing for you right now.