The twist is, the show isn't set in the '90s. Instead, beloved '90s characters, technologies and toys are displaced in the contemporary world. What are the kids from the Magic School Bus up to? What if you ditched your iPod for your CD player? Where is Waldo now, anyways?
Inspired by the recent popularity of '90s nostalgia and pop culture, Hey '90s Kids, You're Old tests your '90s IQ and explores what it means to be a '90s kid in a post '90s world. "We're not old, obviously," says Parrish, "but we're the last generation to have experienced a childhood free of the Internet, cell phones, and social media. We feel old because so much has changed in so little time. What would our favorite '90s characters be like if they had to grow up, like we did?"
Taryn Parrish
In association with FRIGID New York present
Hey '90s Kids, You're Old
Written & Directed by Taryn Parrish
Starring Alan Bee, Marc Hallworth, Hana Holubec, Isabel Kanaan, Simon Lee, and Alexander Steele Zonjic
Stage managed by Thomas Orwen-Goldhar
Opens FEBRUARY 20th - MARCH 1st 2015
The Kraine Theatre, 85 East 4th Street, New York, NY 10003
February 20th, 5:10PM
February 22nd, 1:50PM
February 23rd, 7:10PM
February 25th, 10:30PM
February 27th, 8:30PM
March 1st, 12:10PM
Please note that there is absolutely no latecomer seating.
Tickets: $16 ($10 if you arrive dressed as a Beanie Baby)
Purchase online:
In Person: 85 East 4th St.