"Held Momentarily" is a poignant new musical comedy about making connections, living in the moment, and moving on in life. Conceived by a group of classmates from LaGuardia Arts High School (the "Fame" school), the piece was originally workshopped in January 2014 at The Producers' Club, continued on to the New York International Fringe Festival at The Sheen Center, and will now extend to the FringeNYC Encore Series at SoHo Playhouse, to be helmed by director Hunter Bird and produced by Lionel Christian and Marielle Young, September 11-21.
Tickets to the FringeNYC Encore Series are $18.
Featuring book, music , and lyrics by up - and - coming musical theatre talent Oliver Houser , " Held Momentarily " will extend to the FringeNYC Encore Series featuring James Zebooker, Geena Quintos, Yael Rizowy, Elliot Greer, Jordan Barrow, Oliver Houser, and India Carney. Jeremy Robin Lyons is musical director. Additional material written by James Zebooker.
Oliver Houser is a writer, composer, actor, and a student at the Macaulay Honors Program at Hunter College, NY. Oliver's music was performed at 54 Below in March 2014 as part of a "best - of " evening for Tony - winning composer William Finn's annual songwriter showcase, "Ridiculously Talented Composers and Lyricists You Don't Know But Should " ( also seen at Barrington Stage Company ). His short musical, " Preschool, " was a finalist at the Festival of New American Musicals' Show Search competition in March 2013 . Oliver is a graduate of the Fiorello H . LaGuardia High School for Performing Arts and was awarded the Franklin Keller Award in recognition of talent in 2011 . www.oliverhouser.com
For FringeNYC Encore Series Information / Schedule / Tickets: www.sohoplayhouse.com / fringenyc - encore - series .
Please visit www.heldmomentarily.com for more information and tickets.