Green Space is pleased to announce a diverse roster of new/emerging artists for its signature programs this March. Take Root will present an evening of work by Lauren Beirne Dance Works & Zehnder Dance on March 16th & 17th, and Fertile Ground showcases the creative output of multiple dance artists on March 18th.
"With a backdrop of the Manhattan skyline twinkling through the tall, dusty windows of a former silk factory, both established and emerging NY choreographers show off their most recent works." -Queens Chronicle
TAKE ROOT, now in its 9th season, cultivates dance of varying aesthetics by producing choreographers' work in a full-length or paired-work evening. This monthly series supports dance makers by providing our venue, Green Space, along with full technical and marketing support to present their work to the NYC public.
March 16th & 17th8pm
Advance sale tickets: $15 online at
Tickets purchased at door: $20 cash, $22 credit card
About the Work
Ms. Beirne's latest work focuses on the tribe of women and the idea of the group vs. the other. It explores what happens when we stray out of line of our social parameters with the disturbance of the male perspective, the different places we find ourselves in life, and what we choose to assimilate to. The power of water and the concept of the pull of the tides greatly influences the movement in this piece.
Zehnder Dance premieres Bent Impulses, an exciting new work exploring what it means to be "connected." This piece takes a deeper look at relationships and addictions between self, others, technology, and drugs through a series of duets and solos. The audience is drawn into a world of manipulation and conflict, as each moment of connection offers a glimpse into the individual's struggle to embrace, give in, resist, or fight back. Through complex partnering, dynamic athleticism and risk taking, dancers showcase both dependency and codependency, playing between tension, conflict, desperation, isolation, and tenderness deepening our understanding of the human experience.
About the Companies
Brooklyn-based artist Lauren Beirne (BFA Mason Gross, Rutgers/ MFA Tisch, NYU) has performed with RJDW, Kate Weare, Deborah Jowitt, Motus Dance Theatre, The White Rabbit Cabaret, NMDP, The Outlet Dance Project, and Desert Sin. She founded LBDW in 2015 with the intention of bringing visually arresting, physically dynamic storytelling to new audiences. Her work focuses on social issues and the female perspective- illuminating life's wicked and sublime divide. Her work has been presented at NYU, Dance NJ, The Lower Eastside Festival of the Arts, IDF & Indy Fringe, The HATCH Series, The Actors Fund Arts Center, Your Move, The Rabbithole, The Garage at FDU in residency with NMDP, RAW ARTISTS, Dixon Place Split Bill Series, John Jay College, Top Floor at West Fest, All Over West Beth, the 2016 & 2017 DUMBO Dance Festival, Dumbo Solo/Duo Festival 2017 and the self-produced series "6,000 Bobby Pins Later."
"Beirne's message isn't sugar-coated, and it's not subtle, but she doesn't beat the audience over the head either. And she gets the message across in a dramatic and exciting way. The choreography is frenetic and virtually non-stop..."
~ Critical Dance
Zehnder Dance, established in 2010 by Artistic Director Sarah Zehnder, is an NYC based company known for commanding physicality, boldness and architectural precision, and has been produced nationwide, performing in such prestigious festivals as Jacob's Pillow Inside/Out, Reverb International Dance Festival, Pasadena Dance Festival, DUMBO Dance Festival, the MAD Festival, Midwest Regional Alternative Dance Festival, and the Women in Dance Project (NYC and Chicago). Her work has been presented at Dixon Place, Ailey Citigroup Theatre, Manhattan Movement and Arts Center, Gowanus Arts, Triskelion Arts Center, 92nd Y, Green Space, and the Center for Performance Research (CPR). Zehnder received her BS in Dance from Bowling Green State University and her MFA from SUNY Brockport. For more information, please visit our website:
FERTILE GROUND has supported the emerging and established artists' community for 12 seasons, showcasing the work of over 50 choreographers each year. The non-curated program features five dance makers each evening and includes a post-performance discussion with wine, moderated by Green Space's Artistic Director, Valerie Green.
March 18th
Advance sale tickets: $13 online at
Tickets purchased at door: $13 cash, $15 credit card
Akane & Yu
Ashley Yehoda and Lillian Joergensen
Emily Kessler & Artists
Jane Hamor
Solo Works by Tom Sullivan
Dance Entropy Inc. created its company home, Green Space, in Long Island City in 2005. Housed in a former silk factory with magnificent views overlooking Manhattan, the lofty 2000 square foot space offers an affordable venue for the creation and practice of dance. Green Space and Dance Entropy are committed to accessibility, diversity, education, and collaboration, providing dance artists and their work space to grow in New York City through monthly performance platforms and year-round class and rehearsal space.
By Subway: N, Q, or the 7 to Queensboro Plaza, the first stop outside Manhattan. Take the North pedestrian bridge to the street. Look to your right, you will see Crescent St., turn right on Crescent and walk to 38th Ave. Turn left on 38th Ave. Walk one block to 24th street. Green Space is in the red brick, four-story building. (Approximately a ten-minute walk.)
Green Space is supported, in part, by public funds from the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, NYC Council Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer, Queens Borough President Melinda Katz, The New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and The Mertz Gilmore Foundation.
Photo credits: Zane Gan (Lauren Beirne Dance Works), Matthew Yeoman (Zehnder Dance).