Hilarious drag trio The Golden Gays NYC serve up their legendary trivia show at New York's 53 Above. Test your Golden Girls knowledge as you try for prizes. Rounds include questions about the Lanai Ladies' past lovers - from Charlie Nylund to Stan Zbornak. There'll also be live singing from these spot-on Dorothy, Blanche and Rose impersonators, plus an epic quest to find the next #TokenSophia.
Join us on Sunday, December 17th at 5:00pm. Incredible prizes from Blanche's Perky Treasure Chest and The Golden Gays NYC! $25 cover to play all rounds and $35 VIP GOLDEN EXPERIENCE with #TokenSophia pic, premium seating, and GGNYC keepsake bundle, plus a 2 drink minimum at 53 Above Broadway. You will receive ballots and pencils.
Grab your bosom buddy and come on down for GOLDEN GIRLS TRIVIA! You DON'T want to miss this! Sunday, December 17th at 5:00pm at 53 Above Broadway (located above the Broadway Comedy Club) at 318 West 53rd Street, New York, NY 10019.