The world-famous Harlem Globetrotters basketball squad will bring their new "Pushing the Limits" World Tour to over 200 North American markets and 30 countries beginning in December 2019. Joining the team in the game opening spotlight for six of its events will be local community handbell ensembles that will RING The Star Spangled Banner.
First up on Monday, December 9 at 7 pm, will be The Stafford Regional Handbell Society under the baton of Global Bronze Production Music Director Neesa Hart. The 50 members will be performing courtside at the William M. Anderson Center in Fredericksburg, VA.
"It is believed this will be the first time in the Globetrotters' 94-year consecutive history that the national anthem will be rung and not sung before a game," said Julia Falkenburg, Founder and General Director of Global Bronze Productions, the company responsible for arranging the musicians' performance.
There are 50 spots available per game for choirs and individual soloists who have their own bells and can perform John Behnke's arrangement of The Star Spangled Banner utilizing non-table ringing at these 2020 events:
Saturday, February 8 - Blue Cross Arena, Rochester, NY
Sunday, February 9 - Times Union Center, Albany, NY
Saturday, March 7 - CURE Insurance Arena, Trenton, NJ
Friday, March 20 - EagleBank Arena, Fairfax, VA
Saturday, March 21 - Capital One Arena, Washington, DC
Further details are available at