You may know Staten Island's historic Italian landmark, the Garibaldi-Meucci Museum, as the home of Italian culture and educational programming for all ages. But you may not know that it is also rumored to be the dwelling place for several ethereal inhabitants who refuse to leave. After lenghty investigations, and all-night stake-outs, the Staten Island Paranormal Society, the Eastern Paranormal Investigation Center and Haunted Times Magazine have declared the building "haunted."
On Friday October 25, you are dared to come on a ghost hunt of your own during a Haunted Historical Tour hosted by the Staten Island Paranormal Society and the New York Paranormal Society. Each of the tours of the 160-year-old Gothic revival-style house and grounds-offered at 9 p.m. 10:30 p.m. and midnight-is sure to be entertaining, and chilling, for believers and skeptics alike.We've been told our phantom "guest" may be a woman domestic who's very upset that her kitchen was removed from the house. Or perhaps it is the Italian war hero, Giuseppe Garibaldi, wishing to return to his idyllic days on Staten Island. In "Big Book of New York Ghost Stories," author Cheri Revai wonders if the groans and coughing that have been heard are from Antonio Meucci's bedridden wife, Ester, who is buried in the front yard. Or perhaps the sound of something touching a camera, that was set up to record possible invisible entities, was caused by Meucci himself, testing the device and wondering what it was all about.Videos