Premiering on December 7th and running weekends the entire month, the Galli Theater's Snow White delivers a show that remains true to the original Brother's Grimm fairytale. The show follows a young princess whose stepmother is jealous of her growing beauty. Sent out into the forest alone, she is befriended by "the seven dwarf." One day the magic mirror reveals to the wicked queen that Snow White is still alive, and she plots to be rid of her once and for all. Her plan is foiled when a young prince happens along and discovers Snow White. With the help of the "seven dwarf" Snow White and her prince, live happily ever after.
Appropriate for children ages 3 and up, the show is filled with music and song delighting audiences young and old. As with all of Galli Theaters show, Snow White is interactive, giving the young audience a chance to help the characters and actively participate in the performance. All shows are at 2pm, and the box office opens a half an hour before the show.
Snow White for Birthday Events!
Galli Theater is the premiere location for your birthday party event! Starting in December,is available for birthday party bookings. What better way to celebrate a birthday than have your own private theater for events for friends and family! Subject to availability. Please contact the office to schedule dates and times.