Please join us tomorrow, Thursday, November 5th, from 6-8 PM for the opening reception of Still Life, a group show featuring paintings by Olga Antonova, Daniel Greene, Samuel Hung, Robert Jackson, Steve Mills, Janet Rickus, Sharon Sprung, & Eric Wert. The show runs November 5 - 28, 2015.
In recent years the propagation of the still-life genre has blossomed as artists continue to recast, renew and subvert past doctrines of art and composition. Traditionally a genre that encouraged slow and steady reflection, still-life has come into vogue for its ability to pair the common with the uncommon. This exhibition emphasizes artists who nod to the accomplishments of past masters while actively pursuing the field with a force of vision and technical prowess unique to today's world. For more information on the show, please contact the gallery.Videos