The Fifth Genre: Considering the Contemporary Still Life
June 25 - July 30, 2010
opening reception: June 25, 5-7 pm
Artists of all media are drawn to the modest genre of still life and the everyday objects that are its subject. The works are imbued with the irony, imagery, and issues of today, while persisting in the still life's historic exploration of space, light, texture and mood. In bringing to light this often-overlooked, undervalued sector of painting, the exhibition demonstrates that the still life remains as a genre of great relevance and resonance to artists working in the 21st century.
Artists will include:
Talia Chetrit, Petah Coyne, Angelo Filomeno, John Gerrard, Jane Hammond, Ellen Harvey, Jannis Kounellis, Louise Lawler, Miranda Lichtenstein, Yasumasa Morimura, Jaume Plensa, Charles Ritchie, Kate Shepherd, Erin Shirreff, Kiki Smith, Lynn Talbot, Antoni Tàpies, Wolfgang Tillmans, Jeff Wall, & Jonas Wood
For more information, visit galerielelong.com.