On Wednesday, March 14, 2012, Fourth Arts Block (FABnyc) will present Ordo Ab Chao by BEAU, as part of ArtUp, FABnyc's rotating public art program. The outdoor component of the exhibition will feature a panoramic mixed-media mural mounted 14 feet above the sidewalk, on the ArtUp scaffolding bridge at the 70 East 4th Street Cultural Center.
According to press notes, BEAU's mural continues the artist's ongoing examination into the seemingly chaotic systems of nature and mankind's attempts to find order within these systems. More sinisterly, BEAU's narrative suggests that unseen forces are at work within these systems, guiding humanity throughout history with surreptitious governance that continues today. The large-scale mural provides a magnified glimpse into the artist's private sketchbooks, offering clues into his investigations. Formal architectural renderings, figurative representational forms, and an array of variously sized symbols intertwine in BEAU's visual discourse.
BEAU (Bradbury) was born in Groton, Connecticut, in 1984 and currently lives and works in the East Village. He received no formal academic training in the fields of the arts, relying only on what he refers to as a sense of a "predisposed genetic alignment and the consistent routine of determination and practice." His work is scattered throughout the U.S. and Europe, but has been most consistently realized in the East Village/Lower East Side, ranging from commissioned murals to collaborative street art and omnipresent tags.
FAB Café will host a concurrent exhibition of BEAU's work, across the street from the ArtUp Scaffolding Bridge at 75 E. 4th Street until April 30th. The work will consist of small mixed-media works and paintings on found material. ArtUp is generously supported by the 70 East 4th Street Cultural Center, future home of Downtown Art and Alpha Omega Theatrical Dance Company.
For more information visit Fourth Arts Block's (FAB's) website: www.fabnyc.org