Above the Title Entertainment (Jed Bernstein) will present two special readings of the new musical, Bonnie & Clyde: A Folktale, on Friday, September 10 at the Snapple Theatre Center (1627 Broadway). Bonnie & Clyde: A Folktale features a book by Hunter Foster and music & lyrics by Rick Crom. Under the direction of Lonny Price, the cast will feature Sutton Foster as ‘Bonnie' and Will Swenson as ‘Clyde,' along with Marc Kudisch, Beth Leavel and more. These readings are by invitation only.
In Bonnie & Clyde: A Folktale, America's most romantic gangsters outwit and outrun a relentless (yet always ladylike) J. Edgar Hoover to the delight of the poor and downtrodden, as their relationship changes from "strictly business" to reluctant love. The Foster & Crom take on this classic story is funny, tuneful, romantic and historically dubious; a good ol' musical about the bad ol' days. Bonnie & Clyde: A Folktale was selected as the 2008 NYMF "Most Promising New Musical."
For more information, visit www.abovethetitleent.com.
Photo Credit: Walter McBride/Retna Ltd.