Deadline reports exclusively that ex-New York Times theater critic Charles Isherwood will be writing for a new online theater site from Broadway Briefing, just in time for the Tony Award season. Isherwood is set to review the April 2nd opening of THE PLAY THAT GOES WROING for the new venture called "Broadway News."
"We are always eager for Broadway to have visible platforms for informed and educated opinion. The more discussion and analysis the better. Kudos to Broadway Briefing for creating an outlet for two extremely qualified and intelligent critics. Two thumbs up," Broadway publicists Adrian Bryan-Brown and Chris Boneau told Deadline, of Isherwood's appointment. Isherwood tells Deadline of his new writing gig, "We're starting with April, the busiest month of the year. I've commited to do a certain number of reviews, concentrating on Broadway for now as the site develop but hoping there will be a chance to expand to off-Broadway."Matt Britten, owner, founder and editor of the Briefing, explained to Deadline, "Today most people don't get their news by going to the homepage of a website, but by seeing it shared on Facebook or other social channel. Our coverage will begin with a laser-focus on Broadway and expand as our audience dictates."
Read the article in full here
As BWW previously reported, Isherwood recently departed The New York Times, with much mystery surrounding his exit. Last week, the Times announced that Jesse Green, currently the theater critic at New York magazine, would join the paper beginning May 1 as co-chief critic alongside Ben Brantley.