Conference Subject: Women's Empowerment and its Link to Sustainable Development, and The Integrity of the Word
The Women's Caucus for Art International Caucus Speaker: Marcia Annenberg, "What Don't We Know and Why Don't We Know It? - Why Women Must Lead"
Other Speakers: Dr. Karen Frostig, "Sustaining Memory - The Vienna Project" and Madeleine Segall-Marx, "Listening to the Enemy" with Maureen Burns-Bowie, Facilitator and Moderator, Director of the UN Program of WCA Salvation Army
International Social Justice Commission 221 East 52nd Street, NYC March 22, 2016 / 8:30 - 10 am Entry is free and open to the public. However, it is necessary to register ahead of time. Please go to and scroll down to find the NCO Forum Registration. Organization: Women's Caucus for Art. Website: Region Represented: North America.
Marcia Annenberg's current paintings, sculpture, installations, and videos focus on under-reported stories in American media: from 9/11, to climate change, to the loss of our constitutional protections.In 2015, M. Annenberg was honored by the Women's Caucus for Arts for her work focusing on media outlets and their ongoing omissions and misinformation about social, political, and environmental issues. She has also been currently named by ORIGIN Magazine as one of the top 100 Creative Artists of 2015 in North America.
For more information on the art of M. Annenberg, click here.