Multi-talented monologist, comedian and actor John Leguizamo shares his special gift for comedy and drama with the self-penned and performed autobiographical one-man-play Ghetto Klown and a new PBS documentary traces the show from its Broadway bow to a presentation in Leguizamo's own home country of Colombia and beyond, titled TALES FROM A Ghetto Klown.
"Broadway is a very unforgiving situation and you've just got to be at the top of your game," Leguizamo says in the new trailer just released by PBS.
Leguizamo told me himself of Ghetto Klown back when it was playing on Broadway in 2011, "I think what I love the most about this one is the real acting and the fact that I get to do some real, real acting work, you know? I had seen people do that in their one-man-shows and I really wanted to see if I could do a real scene all by myself with all the imaginary characters - like the fight with my ex-best friend and the altercation with my wife and all those things. I wanted to make it as real as when it happened. And, I feel like I am succeeding."
Check out my extensive InDepth InterView with John Leguizamo filled with insights like that all about Ghetto Klown and much more, available here.
TALES FROM A Ghetto Klown premieres on PBS on July 13.
View the trailer for TALES FROM A Ghetto Klown below.