The Garibaldi-Meucci Museum has announced the selection of 15 finalists for its annual Antonio Meucci Young Inventors' Competition. This year the event, co-sponsored by Time Warner Cable, expanded registration to include students in grades 4 through 8 from schools throughout New York City and New Jersey.
Students were invited to present an original idea for a new invention/product or an improvement on an existing one. This year's chosen entries are simple, creative solutions to common problems.The final judging will take place today, June 2 between 12 noon and 3 p.m. at the St. Joseph's Parochial School auditorium (139 St. Mary's Avenue at the corner of Tompkins Avenue in Rosebank, Staten Island). At that time the students will present their inventions and any prototypes they have created to the panel of expert judges. They will also be expected to explain the scientific principles behind their inventions. The public is invited to come view the final entries and celebrate these ingenious students at a reception that will take place during the final judging. Cash prizes will be awarded.Videos