Tennessee Williams' sultry drama, A Streetcar Named Desire is set against the sexy backdrop of New Orleans' gritty French Quarter. A Streetcar Named Desire tells the tale of former school teacher and socialite Blanche DuBois (Nicole Ari Parker), as she's forced to move in with her sister Stella (Rubin-Vega) and her animalistic husband Stanley (Blair Underwood). But the fragile, Blanche quickly gets a gritty life lesson in the seamy, steamy underbelly of 1950's New Orleans. The legendary Terence Blanchard has signed on to provide an original soundscape for the production.
Photo Credit: Walter McBride / WM Photos Ltd.
Nicole Ari Parker, Wood Harris, Daphne Rubin-Vega and Blair Underwood
Daphne Rubin-Vega, Wood Harris, Emily Mann, Nicole Ari Parker and Blair Underwood