Today we are turning our attention to one of the most revered and respected plays of the last century in honor of the highly anticipated world premiere of the HBO film adaptation of it this weekend, Larry Kramer's THE NORMAL HEART.
This Means War The tagline of HBO's film version of Larry Kramer's The Normal Heart is simple and direct: "To win a war, you have to start one." That, in essence, is the thesis of not only the inherent drama of the film itself and the Tony Award-winning play upon which it based, but also the modus operandi of the man who made it all happen in the first place, way back in 1985 - playwright and activist Larry Kramer. Taking on a topic even the sitting president, Ronald Reagan, refused to address at the time of its premiere, The Normal Heart valiantly, thoughtfully and vividly depicted a pitch black moment in American history where a disease cropped up and nobody knew what to do about it - for years. Yet, people kept dying and new people kept getting infected day by day, week by week, year by year - by the millions - and nothing was done. What to do about it? How to persevere as a people? How to not get infected? None of these answers were known then and a few of these questions remain unanswered now. But, Larry Kramer raised his voice - in a politically-pointed and loud, grandstanding manner, as was all-too-appropriate given the severity of the disease and the devastating effect that it was having on one particular group at the time: the gay community.
Now, revisit some of the historical events that inspired THE NORMAL HEART.
Photo Credits: HBO & Walter McBride