Recognizing their cultural and historic value, Gypsy Robes can now be viewed at two ofEquity's Offices. The National Headquarters in New York now houses two of the historic Robes. The second floor Audition Center's newly designed case displays the Robe from the 2006-2007 season, which was dedicated by the ACCA to the memory of Patrick Quinn. The 2007-2008 Robe, dedicated to Broadway veteran Adrian Bailey, can be viewed on the fourteenth floor Council lobby.
Photo Credit: Walter McBride
Patina Miller, Director Diane Paulus & Matthew James Thomas
Charlotte d'Amboise & Terrence Mann
Erik Altemus & Director Diane Paulus
Director Diane Paulus
Charlotte d'Amboise, Terrence Mann & Andrea Martin
Erik Altemus & Orion Griffiths with Company & Guests
Pippin Cast
Terrence Mann, Director Diane Paulus & Matthew James Thomas
Erik Altemus, Orion Griffiths & Molly Tynes
Cast Members
Cast Members
Patina Miller & Cast
Stephanie Pope with David Westphal & Jason Wooten (recipient from Jekyll & Hyde)
Stephanie Pope with David Westphal & Jason Wooten (recipient from Jekyll & Hyde)
Stephanie Pope with David Westphal & Jason Wooten (recipient from Jekyll & Hyde)
Stephanie Pope with Erik Alemus, Orion Griffiths, Molly Tynes & cast
Stephanie Pope with Jason Wooten (recipient from Jekyll & Hyde)
Stephanie Pope with Cast & Guests
Stephanie Pope with Matthew James Thomas, Patina Miller & cast
Stephanie Pope with Erik Alemus, Orion Griffiths, Molly Tynes & cast
Stephanie Pope with Cast & Guests
Charlotte d'Amboise, Terrence Mann, Director Diane Paulus, Matthew James Thomas & Patina Miller
Stephanie Pope with Terrence Mann, Director Diane Paulus, Matthew James Thomas, Patina Miller & cast
Stephanie Pope with Terrence Mann, Director Diane Paulus, Matthew James Thomas, Patina Miller & cast
Stephanie Pope with Andrea Martin, Charlotte d'Amboise, Terrence Mann & Cast
Stephanie Pope with Matthew James Thomas, Patina Miller & cast
Director Diane Paulus, Matthew James Thomas, Patina Miller & Cast
Stephanie Pope with Director Diane Paulus, Matthew James Thomas, Patina Miller & cast
Stephanie Pope with Charlotte d'Amboise, Terrence Mann, Director Diane Paulus, Matthew James Thomas, Patina Miller & cast
Stephanie Pope with Rachel Bay Jones, Terrence Mann, Patina Miller, Matthew James Thomas & Andrea Martin
Stephanie Pope with Charlotte d'Amboise, Rachel Bay Jones, Terrence Mann, Patina Miller, Matthew James Thomas & Andrea Martin
Stephanie Pope with Charlotte d'Amboise, Rachel Bay Jones, Terrence Mann, Patina Miller, Matthew James Thomas & Andrea Martin
Stephanie Pope with Executive Director of AEA Mary McColl, AEA Eastern Regional Director Thomas & Carpenter & AEA President Nick Wyman
Stephanie Pope with Executive Director of AEA Mary McColl, AEA Eastern Regional Director Thomas & Carpenter & AEA President Nick Wyman
Stephanie Pope with Erik Altemus
Stephanie Pope with Erik Altemus
Stephanie Pope & Andrew Cekala
Stephanie Pope & Director Diane Paulus
Stephanie Pope & Director Diane Paulus
Judine Richard, Stephanie Pope with her daughter Mari, Chet Walker & Adrian Bailey
Adrian Bailey & Stephanie Pope
Judine Richard & Stephanie Pope
Stephanie Pope with her daughter Mari
Stephanie Pope with her daughter Mari