Celebrity stylist and fashion expert Eryka Couture announced the start of her first giveaway contest. Emerging recently on the Youtube circuit, Eryka has seen real traction in thousands of views and growing subscribers. The giveaway consists of 6 different hand-picked prizes. The contest will last for one week, and those who enter are given the chance to track their progress, gain more points, and vie for the top spot. Prizes will appeal to the fashion-forward girl who aims to express herself through style. Contestants will be allowed to enter Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012. Winners will be announced the following Friday, Sept. 26, 2012.
With the abundance of beauty gurus in this market, a need arises for a great celebrity stylist. Eryka is consistent to put out a new celebrity “look for less” every Friday. Among many others, she has replicated the looks of Jennifer Lopez, Taylor Swift, and Kim Kardashian. Eryka focuses on delivering stylish, affordable, and fashion-forward looks that have received rave reviews from her young audience.