EndTimes Productions, the minds behind New York's most beloved anti-holiday holiday show, NAKED HOLIDAYS, has returned to the stage after a one year hiatus with THE DED SULLIVAN SHOW. Due to overwhelming demand, four performances have been added, extending the run through 8/29 at Times Scare.
THE DED SULLIVAN SHOW is a darkly comic and often bloody cabaret evening, featuring music, sketch comedy, and burlesque. If the Addams family had booked the talent for a 1960's variety show, this is what they might have come up with. Highlights include:
• The Lobotomy Puppeteer: Like 50 Shades of Grey, but with the subject having no will of their own. Oh, hang on, that is 50 Shades of Grey. But we use a bonesaw.
• The Alien Surfer Babes: They came to conquer. One pop hit at a time.
• The Skin Burlesque: Ever wish there was more to take off? There is, but it takes commitment.
• Savage Hot Babe Massacre: The return of EndTimes' horror-comedy audience favorite. There will be Babes. They will be massacred. There will be blood. Rain ponchos supplied.
• Samara Sings: The creepy girl from the Ring breaks out her ukelele, and wins your heart.
• Zombie Jamboree: A full-ensemble interpretation of the Harry Belefonte classic. With real, live (relatively speaking) zombies.
THE DED SULLIVAN SHOW is written by Russell Dobular, Steve Strangio, Jeremy Pape, and the Ded Sullivan ensemble, with original music by Bill Rozar and Serena Miller. It is directed by Russell Dobular, Jeremy Pape, and Lawrence Lesher, with a production team that includes Serena Miller (musical director), Samantha Amaral (choreographer), Sarah Pencheff (costumes/SFX), and Jarrod Bates (prop design).
THE DED SULLIVAN SHOW stars Jarrod Bates, Kelly Riley, Sarah Pencheff, Lee'at Bruhl, Serena Miller, Robert Gonyo, Matthew Glogowski, Samantha Amaral, Amanda Wilson, Shannon Leigh Mann, Maytal Angel, Leal Vona, Sharon Lam, Mike Wirsch, Dara Swisher, and Eddie Rodriguez.
EndTimes Productions is an independent Theater/Film Production Company founded in
New York City in 2006. EndTimes focuses on work that is dark and satiric, with an underlying element of social commentary. Incorporating dance, music, vaudeville, and comedy, the company produces high-energy, entertaining theater that is aimed at a wider audience than more traditional forms. Past productions include Knuckleball (NYC and Edinburgh), Naked Holidays, Easy Outs, and Manson the Musical. EndTimes' production of The Godling won Best Ensemble, the Sold Out Award, and Best Director at the San Francisco Fringe Festival. They are also the producers of "Vignettes for the Apocalypse", New York's longest running sci-fi/horror theater festival. For more info visit www.EndTimesProductions.com
THE DED SULLIVAN SHOW runs June 27 - August 29, Sat. at 7PM. Times Scare is located is located at 669 8th Avenue (at 42nd Street). Tickets are $25,
available at endtimesproductions.com, or 212-352-3101.