So Long on Lonely Street is dramatic comedy, written by Sandra Deer and directed by Joe Merck, set in a rundown old southern house on 25 acres of valuable land, and is the gathering of the Vaughnum family for the reading of crotchety old Aunt Pearl's will. The secrets of three generations are revealed slowly as the potential heirs try to decide who is the rightful owner of the property.
The available character roles include Ruth and Raymond Brown, who are twins in their late thirties or early forties. They are both attractive, bright and well educated. Ruth is a poet and Raymond is an actor. Annabel Lee, who is a black woman in her mid-seventies, has an inner strength, but is not all-wise or long-suffering. She is self-contained and not usually demonstrative. King Vaughnum III is a small town Southern wheeler-dealer. He's around thirty, perhaps a little on the chubby side and smart, but not a thoughtful man and is high energy. Clairice Vaughnum is King's wife, who is in her mid-twenties and pregnant - the kind of woman who is happy and sweet as long as she is the center of attention. Bobby Stack is a Southern lawyer, around forty, who is polite and sensible. Probably went to the University of Virgina Law School.
These are realistic characters, not Southern types. King is not a buffoon, Clairice is not a silly twit and Annabel Lee is nobody's servant. Ruth and Raymond are sophisticated and have traveled, but they are not contemptuous of what they come from. The play runs from April 22-May 2 with cold reading auditions held at 6PM on both February 28th and March 1st.
Please contact the Electric City Playhouse at (864) 224-4248 or for more information.