Celebrity coveted jeweler, Mujus is known for their simple, yet chic designs originating from the Amazonian rainforest. The designer, Paola Delagado was born and raised in Lima, Peru. After graduating from college in Ohio, Paola moved to New York to work as a banker. Needing to fulfill her creative energy, she left New York and traveled to Peru to re-connect with her land and what it had to offer. She discovered natural resources like tagua seeds and began to create fashionable yet Eco-conscious pieces for what we know and love as Mujus.
This Eco-friendly accessories collection is both bold and daring while still remaining true to their original design aesthetic. Since remaining environmentally aware is a critical concept to the designer, the process used to create this eccentric line does no harm to the beautiful rainforest where she gathers her inspirations. Styles range from extraordinary statement necklaces to simple stud earrings, each piece is hand-crafted using re-purposed tagua seeds from the rainforest.In addition, Mujus is committed to giving back to communities in Peru and United States. This translates to creating social change for impoverished communities around Lima and designing a special collection to raise money for the fight against Lou Gehrig's disease.