Events include a panel discussion co-hosted with Early Music America: "Early Music in New York, Then and Now," and more.
Early Music Foundation will host and promote a month-long series of events in connection with the 50th anniversaries of both entities this fall.
2024 also marks the 20th anniversary of the first EMF-coordinated city-wide NEW YORK EARLY MUSIC CELEBRATION, which established New York as an international center for historically informed performance. EMF, through its service-to-the-community arm New York Early Music Central (NYEMC) will manage the eighth Celebration for October 2024.
Key events during the Celebration will include:
"Five decades with EMF is only part of the story," says Mr. Renz. "My involvement in HIP performance in New York City actually extends back six years further to 1968, when I joined New York Pro Musica as harpsichord soloist. I am gratified to have played a significant role in the integration of historically informed performance into the fabric of New York's musical life, though hundreds of concerts with Early Music New York, both here and on tour worldwide; as well as the work of the Early Music Foundation and New York Early Music Central. The 2024 Celebration will serve to acknowledge this legacy in the richness of HIP performances available throughout the city, not only in October but year-round."
The service organization Early Music America, an integral participant in the first two Celebrations in 2004 and 2007, will help kick off the 2024 edition. Executive Director David McCormick says, "Early Music America is so pleased to partner with Early Music Foundation to celebrate the vibrant and eclectic early music scene in New York City. We are excited to co-present a panel discussion that will examine the evolving early music ecosystem in New York, with an eye towards what this history can tell us about the bright future of the movement."
Robert Aubry Davis, producer and host of the public radio programs "Millennium of Music" and "Baroque and Beyond," will moderate a panel representing a wide range of New York's early music community of performers and presenters. The event, open to the public, will take place at First Church of Christ, Scientist, Central Park West and 68th Street in New York City, on Tuesday, October 1 at 7:30 PM.
Early Music New York's chamber orchestra will perform a landmark 50th anniversary concert on Saturday, October 26 at 7:30 PM at First Church of Christ, Scientist. Detailed information will be announced over the summer.
A benefit auction of HIP musical instruments acquired by EMF throughout its existence will be mounted online as part of the Celebration. Catalogue and bidding details will be available July 1.
EMF's first Frederick Renz Award for Historically Informed Performance will be granted to an ensemble (or ensembles) presenting a concert during the 2024 Celebration. Further eligibility criteria and other details will be announced soon.
All artists, ensembles and presenters of historically informed performance events in New York City during the month of October are invited to participate in the New York Early Music Celebration. NYEMC will provide a promotional/marketing 'umbrella' to supplement their efforts.