"Enemy Within", a film by director Preston Miller, featuring star performers Tiler Peck of New York City Ballet, Mathew Rushing of Alvin Ailey Dance Theater, Samantha Figgins of Complexions Contemporary Ballet, and freestyle dancer Marquese "Nonstop" Scott will premier in New York at the second installment of New Dance Cinema. The film brings together the four unique artists to face a head on battle with insecurity and results in a beautifully shot and compelling tale of struggle and triumph.
The New Dance Cinema Screening event, hosted by A+ Productions, is back by popular demand showcasing directors on the forefront of cinematic dance. The event brings together a dynamic roster of filmmakers that bridge commercial and fine arts in an lively evening of film, festivities and conversations. With a focus on dance created specifically for the camera New Dance Cinema brings the energy of the medium off the screen and into the room.
For tickets, visit http://newdancecinemascreening.splashthat.com/. For more information, visit http://aplusproductionsnyc.com/new-dance-cinema-2 or https://www.facebook.com/aplusproductionsnyc.
A+ Productions produces site-specific dance works, films and events. From stage to screen, A+ explores the dynamics of contrast by mixing genres and melding concepts from commercial to conceptual. With the combined resonance of dance and film, A+ seek to elevate this powerful medium to the acclaim that it deserves. To this means A+ launched the NEW DANCE CINEMA film series to showcase directors on the forefront of cinematic dance. Though dance videos have been around for decades, New Dance Cinema taps into the new and exciting ways that directors and choreographers are conceiving movement on film and telling stories in ways that only the body can tell.