Emerson at BigMart, presented by Waving Cat Productions, is written by Hope Weiner and Mike Handelman and directed by Adam Chisnall, is returning after a successful run at the Planet Connections Theater Festivity to the PIT Loft for one night only, August 5th at 6 pm and 11 pm!
A cutting satire of big box stores and consumer culture featuring absurdist comedy, outrageous characters and original music by Mike Handelman and New York City art rock band Hot Glue and the Gun, Emerson at BigMart is a theatrical laugh fest not to be missed!
For more information visit our Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/779824215531201/
And to buy tickets, click this link!: https://thepit-nyc.com/event/2017-08-05-emerson-at-bigmart