Mackwell Productions will present Duet, an evening featuring the one-acts Sunrise by Tommy Smith and The Good Thing by Terry Diamond November 30 through December 8 at the Shelter Annex (939 8th Avenue, Suite 204).
"Sunrise, by Tommy Smith and Directed by Portia Krieger, is a biting comedy that follows the reclusive Blattys, whose lonely lives are interrupted when a mysterious stranger visits the couple's home, threatening to uncover a dark secret from their dirty past. Bleeding genres, Sunrise is a swiftly paced, quick witted, insightful look at the breakdown of relationships and religion in the modern world," explain press notes.
Sunrise features Teddy Bergman, Ben Beckley, and Jocelyn Kuritsky. Set Design is by Mark Erbaugh. Lighting is by Todd Nonn.
"The Good Thing, by Terry Diamond and Directed by Maggie Burkle, is based on Anton Chekhov's short story, 'The Witch.' He thinks she's a witch who controls the weather. She thinks he's a useless slacker who's ruined the family business. A dangerously isolated couple, Samuel and Rita Gykin, try to reconcile their failing marriage in the middle of a blizzard," explain press notes.
The Good Thing features Michael Bernstein, Brenda Crawley, and Tammy Tunyavongs. Set Design is by Jake France. Lighting is by Todd Nonn.
Performances are Friday, Nov. 30; Saturday, Dec. 1; Wednesday, Dec. 5; Thursday, Dec. 6; and Saturday, Dec. 8. All shows at 8PM.
Tickets are $15 and can be ordered by calling 212-868-4444 or online at