Spare Change Productions will present LAByrinth Theater Company member Michael Puzzo's contemporary comedy The Dirty Talk, directed by Padraic Lillis, at midtown's Center Stage, NY (48 West 21 Street, 4th Floor, between 5th and 6th Avenues). Performances will begin on January 11, and the official opening night will be Sunday, January 14 at 8:00 p.m. Performances will run through Sunday, February 4.
In the play, "Lino (Kevin Cristaldi) and Mitch (Sidney Williams) find themselves stranded in a hunting cabin—in the mountains of New Jersey—during a ferocious storm. Unable to leave (the phone's dead, the car's engine is flooded—its windshield wipers are gone) we find out these men are not here merely by happenstance but rather by a purposefully misguided Internet chat room connection. During their tumultuous day together the two explore what defines being a man and the value of intimacy," state press materials.
The play was originally developed as part of LAByrinth Theater Company's Barn Series and was first presented as part of FringeNYC 2005, the 2005 New York International Fringe Festival. Subsequently The Dirty Talk has been published in Plays and Playwrights 2006 by The New York Theatre Experience, Inc. Actors Cristaldi and Williams are returning to recreate their interpretations of Lino and Mitch.
The set design will be by Rob Monaco, the lighting design by Sarah Sidman,
the costume design by Lea Umberger, and the sound design by Elizabeth Rhodes.
The production stage manager will be Jen O'Byrne.
The complete performance schedule (January 11 through February 4) for will be: Thursdays through Sundays at 8:00 p.m. The opening performance will be Sunday, January 14 at 8:00 p.m. All tickets will be $18.00. The box office number for reservations is 212-352-3101 or