Point Break Live!, billed as the "absurdist stage adaptation of the 1992 Keanu Reeves/Patrick Swayze extreme-sports blockbuster," has announced an open-ended run. The show, which was previously slated for a limited five week engagement at the La Tea Theater (CSV Cultural Center), began performances on January 25th.
Produced by Eve Hars, "Point Break Live! is the stage adaptation of the Hollywood film, Point Break. The story revolves around Johnny Utah, former college football star turned FBI Agent who must go undercover to infiltrate a gang of bank-robbing surfers. In Point Break LIVE! Special Agent Utah is played by a 'volunteer Keanu' from the audience who reads the script off of cue cards. The volunteer is guided by a PA who instructs him, guides his actions, bullies him a bit, gives him his lines, and serves as his stunt double for the fight scenes. While the play is going on, all the action is being filmed and playing through a live feed on a TV screen set to the side of the stage. At the end of the night the 'volunteer Keanu' is handed a VHS tape of his performance," according to press notes.
The starring role of Johnny Utah (Keanu Reeves) will be selected at random from the audience each night, and will read their entire script off of cue-cards. "Keanu Reeves roles demand a special kind of acting: Essentially, in every scene, you have to look like you've just been dropped into a room and you have no idea what's going on," explains director James Hook.
Jamie Hook has directed this event. Fight choreography is by Christie Waldon. Animation is by Kevin Vasconcellos. Live video is by Mike Cash. Scenery is by 62.
Point Break Live! runs at the La Tea Theater (CSV Cultural Center) 107 Suffolf Street (and Rivington) Wednesdays- Saturdays at 8:00pm. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at www.TheaterMania.com. For more information call 612-227-8013Videos