Set against the backdrop of a Bronx Catholic school in 1964, the show is the story of a strong-minded woman faced with a difficult decision. Should she voice concerns about one of her male colleagues…even if she's not entirely certain of the truth?
The production stars Eileen Atkins as Sister Aloysius, Ron Eldard as Father Flynn, with Jena Malone as Sister James and Tony Award-winner Adriane Lenox as Mrs. Muller.
Doubt's set design is by John Lee Beatty, costume design is by Catherine Zuber, lighting design is by Pat Collins, original music and sound design is by David Van Tieghem.
The performance schedule is Tuesday through Saturday at 8:00 PM, with matinees on Wednesday and Saturday at 2:00 PM, and Sunday at 3:00 PM.
Tickets available by calling at 212: 239-6200. Visit for more information.