Join us for Deno's Wonder Wheel Music Marathon today, August 2nd and Saturday, August 16th for a variety of surf, rockabilly and rock n' roll.
The Wonder Wheel Music Marathon has been rocking since 2006. Don't miss it!
Saturday August 2nd
- Tarantinos 2pm
- The Vivisector's 3pm
- Strange but Surf 4pm
- Thee Ice Picks 5pm
- Shark Muffin 6pm
- Dolly Trolly 7pm
Saturday August 16th
- Bakersfield Breakers 2pm
- King Stork 3pm
- Joel 4pm
- Slim Wray 5pm
- VIVA 6pm
- As Lolas 7pm
Deno"s Wonder Wheel Park at Dreamland Plaza is located at West 12th street & The Boardwalk, Coney Island, Brooklyn, 11224. For more information, visit