Chanel has launched, a microsite dedicated its founder and namesake, Coco Chanel, as well as its legacy products.
The site is separated into two parts: a timeline of the fashion house's history starting with Coco Chanel's birth in 1883, and a section mapping the success of Chanel's iconic fragrance, Chanel No. 5.
At present, there is not a lot to explore on the site, however more films will be introduced over time.
A spokesperson for Chanel told Mashable, “Telling our history on the web anD Making it accessible to as many people as people is yet another way of marking our difference, reaffirming our values and forming emerging markets by enabling them to discover a world to which until now they had little — or no — access,” a spokesperson said. “We have always been an innovative brand — that is what we wanted to get across.”