February 20, 2018 is the official publication day for the novel Birds of Wonder by Cynthia Robinson. Set among the hills and lakes of upstate New York and told in six vibrantly distinct voices, this complex and original narrative chronicles the rippling effects of a young girl's death through a densely intertwined community. By turns funny, fierce, lyrical and horrifying, Birds of Wonder probes family ties, the stresses that break them, and the pasts that never really let us go.
Author Cynthia Robinson is a Mary Donlon Alger Professor of Medieval and Islamic Art at Cornell University and her short fiction has been published by The Arkansas Review, Epoch, The Missouri Review, Slice, and others. Birds of Wonder is her debut novel.
For more info on Cynthia, visit cynthiarobinsonbooks.com. Follow Cynthia on Instagram and Goodreads.