The show is written and performed by De Almo, directed by Max Friedman (2016 NYMF show "Midnight at the Never Get," "Ruby Manger: The Farewell Engagement" at 54 Below), and presented by Mike Lavoie (Mike Birbiglia's "Thank God for Jokes," "Oh, Hello on Broadway").
"From a Lortel Award-Winning producer of Mike Birbiglia's 'My Girlfriend's Boyfriend' and 'Hasan Minhaj: Homecoming King,'" describes the show's website, "and the star of that 'Monsters Inside Me' episode where that amoeba eats that girl's brain, comes the unlikely story of a data analyst who gave up comfort in suburbia to become a Theatrical Producer overnight. It's not quite the dream, but it's dream-adjacent."
David De Almo is a New York-based performer and producer. With Bull Journey Productions, he has co-produced several off-broadway plays including Mike Birbiglia's "Thank God for Jokes," "Colin Quinn: The New York Story," and the pre-Broadway tryout of "Oh, Hello" starring Nick Kroll and John Mulaney and directed by Alex Timbers. He's soon to be represented Off-Broadway by "Chris Gethard: Career Suicide," which is being Presented by Judd Apatow.
2016 United Solo is the world's largest solo theatre festival, currently in its 7th season. All shows are staged at Theatre Row: 410 West 42nd Street, New York City. TICKETS, with a price of $20.25 (including a $2.25 theatre restoration charge) are available at the Theatre Row Box Office and online through Telecharge at You may also call Telecharge at 212-239-6200. When placing your reservation, please provide: the FESTIVAL name (United Solo Theatre Festival), the name of THEATRE (Theatre Row - The Studio Theatre), and the specific DAY and TIME of SHOW you would like to see.
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