"Dark Blue Sea," a three-act narrative dance performance, featuring live music performed by the bands Dark Honey, Girl Blue, The Sea The Sea and multimedia elements filmed and directed by Chromoscope Pictures, takes place at Club Helsinki Hudson on Friday, October 4, 8pm. The multimedia work is presented by Synergia Dance Project, a new collaborative dance company founded in 2019 by Nadine Medina and based in Troy, N.Y.
Described as "A cinematic dance experience set to live music," the "Dark Blue Sea" program features a group of core dancers from Troy Dance Factory.
The Sea The Sea is an upstate New York-based indie folk-pop duo-band featuring what Huffington Post calls, "Two of the loveliest male-female voices you might ever hear this or any other year." Girl Blue is the stage name of Capitol Region electro-pop singer-songwriter Arielle O'Keefe. Albany-based indie-pop group Dark Honey was formerly known as One Red Martian.
"This idea, that it is possible to lose oneself both within and without another person, is the foundation for Synergia Dance Project," says Nadine Medina. "The concept of loss - loss of love, of faith, of self - is one that is often explored through all mediums of art. Singers sing about it, writers write about it, painters paint about it; without loss, and, to a greater extent, the overcoming of loss, some of the most powerful pieces of art we hold so dear would cease to exist."
Combining the abstraction of dance with the raw power of live music and stunning multimedia visuals, Synergia Dance Project offers its viewers the opportunity to experience and explore loss in a new, completely unique way.