These days, in the new age of social media revolution, the best source of information is YOU. Each day, fans of BroadwayWorld post tens of thousands of comments on our multiple message boards (main and local), weighing in on the latest news, rumors, reviews, stars and more. Each week, we find a few stand-out threads - those that have sparked particularly interesting discussion that we've decided to shine a light on each week in our newest feature: DID YOU KNOW...The Most Interesting Message Board Topics of the Week, brought to you by YOU!
Be sure to check back each week to see if YOUR thread made the list!
Cutting in rush lines
Anyone who has ever stood in a rush line knows that this is a problem. Have you ever missed out on tickets because of line-cutters? (started by notwearingunderwear)
Which Shows Have Been Changed The Most Over The Years?
When a show has been revived enough it is bound to go through some changes- both small and large. Can you think of any prime examples? (started by Jordan Catalano)
THE PRODUCERS at the Hollywood Bowl -- Discussion
/board/readmessage.php?thread=1048829&dt=0THE PRODUCERS opens tonight at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles. Join in the opening night discussion here! (started by jacobsnchz14)
Dance numbers that sound great on CD but disappoint onstage
/board/readmessage.php?thread=1048666&dt=78Every now and then a show’s big dance number doesn’t live up to what you dreamt it to be. Which ones have disappointed you? (started by Skip2)
Inferior Revivals
/board/readmessage.php?thread=1048771&dt=13Can you think of any examples of when a show didn’t make it to Broadway because a previous revival didn’t make a good impression? (started by broadwayman17)
Young Broadway actresses too cool for stage door?
Have you noticed a growing trend of young actresses that skip the stage door altogether? (started by SingAlongMOVIE2)
"Newsies" cast change(s)/board/readmessage.php?thread=1048626&dt=29
NEWSIES has recently posted casting notices for replacement newsboys. Which current stars do you think are soon to go? (started by loliveve)