Daughters of Anatolia, an original play, is a story of women who made the decision to fight alongside men for their freedom and live in a free country.
Daughters of Anatolia will premiere next weekend at the TANK Theater, on April 20th and 21st. Daughters of Anatolia, an original play, is a story of women who made the decision to fight alongside men for their freedom and live in a free country.
Brave women of Anatolia fought fiercely for their freedom against formidable enemy forces, demonstrating unparalleled courage and resilience in the face of adversity. Amidst the chaos of battle, their determination knew no bounds. Some marched into battle with their babies securely strapped to their backs, unwilling to let motherhood hinder their resolve to defend their homeland. Others, with steely determination, loaded ammunition onto oxen-driven tumbrels, ready to face the challenges ahead with unwavering determination. Their stories resonate with the echoes of their unwavering spirit and unwavering commitment to liberty. They stood as beacons of inspiration, defying societal norms and expectations to take up arms alongside their fellow countrymen. These courageous women became symbols of resistance, their bravery immortalized in the annals of history. Through their sacrifices and unwavering determination, they exemplified the true essence of heroism, inspiring future generations to stand firm in the face of adversity and fight for what they hold dear. Their legacy endures as a testament to the indomitable spirit of Anatolian women and their unwavering commitment to freedom.
The team includes, Lead Producer /Actress / Writer Ayse Eldek, Director Jessica Brater, Writer/Actress Duygu Erdogan Monson, Writer Ayşe Alagöz, Writer / Actress Ezgi Cohen, Writer / Actress Nazli Benan Ozkaya, stage manager Danny Gonzales, production design by Cagla Karslioglu, costume manager Alara Alarcin.