Company of Fools, a fledgling theatre company based in New York City, is proud to announce its inaugural production, a stripped-down, character-driven iteration of Sam Shepard's contemporary classic, True West. This volatile, violent, and visceral dark comedy examines our base human instincts and the dynamics between two very different (yet eerily similar) brothers. A 1983 finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in Drama, this American classic explores alternatives that might spring from the demented terrain of the California landscape.
MARCH 7-10 @ 7:30 PM
MARCH 11-12 @ 2:00 & 7:30 PM
The Sonnet Theatre, Producers Club
358 W 44th St. (at 9th ave)
New York, NY 10036
Tickets are available in advance, and are more expensive at the door! Click here to buy now via for only $20!
Please also follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for an advance look at what's in store! Cast intros will be on the Facebook page beginning today. For more information about the company, check out our brand new website.